I’ve brought this issue up with WoL but it seems like the mods have peaced out. Obviously they never bothered to implement Siegecrafter, Paragons, or Garrosh. Even with the new combat start/end events. They also put in a change a few months ago to “fix” Immerseus. Unfortunately that fix has caused a lot of kill logs (all of mine) to count as a wipe and as a result many parses that would have ranked are not being detected.
Because of this I would really like to see Immerseus removed or given less weight in calculations. It’s not accurate. It’s not fair. Simple as that. You can find threads regarding this issue over in WoL forums. For example my own ranks are missing over 200 points because of WoL failed detections.
I’m not sure where exactly you pipe your data in from but I’d also highly recommend getting sites like this one and epeenbot ready to be compatible with warcraftlogs.com ranks. It is without a doubt the future of logging. It’s not highly used now but it’s catching on like wild fire. AND it has detection and ranks for the final bosses.